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"Quality medical products at reasonable costs with reliable service - That's what you can expect from U.A. Medical Products. I have worked with Fanish Engineer for many years and value that relationship for my practice and my patients."

"Dr. James G. Zolzer, Lakeshore Women's Specialists, PC"
U.A. Medical Products
Product Name: Uterine Manipulator Injector w/Syringe UMI 4.5
Catalog #: UA1151S
List price: $559.00
UA Price:

Uterine Manipulator Injector- $509.00

UMI Uterine Manipulator is a simple, safe and effective device for Diagnostic Laparoscopy, Mini Laparotomy, Fertility Exams and alpingoplasty. It also helps the sealing of the cervical Os while providing a fluide or air to the cuff. *Most widely used uterine Manipulator *Most reliable Best Replica Watches - avoids catheter expulsion *Requires minimal cervical dilation Sound, insert and inflate *Facilitates manipulation of both anteverted and retroverted uteri * Injector channel integral to UMI 4.5 eleminates the need for a second instrument * Include 10cc syringe for your Convenient.
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